

Defining the style of the new generation of Xbox controllers.

2020 was a big year for Xbox.

Along with the launch of the new generation of consoles, came a highly anticipated new generation of Xbox controllers.

I was given a very important task, to define the lighting style for the new Xbox Controller renders, these assets will live online and in packaging.


My Role

Along with the Art Director and the feedback from the Xbox team, I created the lighting style for the new Xbox controllers. Once the lighting and materials were all approved, I created three lighting template for light, medium and dark grey which would be used for the different color scenarios of new controllers.

The process involved cleaning up the provided CAD models, lighting in Maya using light-links to address all feedback given by the team. Since many different light-links were required to achieve the lighting for each angle, there are six sets of lighting corresponding to each angle. There are about 180+ lights in the main file.

The lighting system became very sophisticated to achieve the final result, and in order to allow other 3D artist in my team to quickly adapt working on new controllers, I develop a Xbox Controller Template and a Color Tool specific for it.